Tuesday, April 24, 2012


AM Bwt-233 lbs
Sleep 6 hours, absolutely terrible sleep, too much messed up dreams and such, restless

AM-Pre WOD-20 g protein/ 40 g carbs
                         16 oz coffee with a tbsp half and half

WOD-1x mid thigh power snatch
           1x high hang power snatch
           5x OHS squats
           95-115-135-155-185 (last one was tough and should gave out, PB took a look at video, determined my shoulders were too lax and needed to get a little less loose up there

     3 sets of 10 thrusters at 135lb, rest 2 min

    4 sets of mixed grip weighted pull ups
          5-1.5 pood
          4-1.5 pood
          3-1.5 pood
          3-1 pood

10 hspu for giggles

1120AM Post WOD-20 g protein 40 g carb

1230PM-Meal 1-1 cup hash browns 2 large omega 3 eggs, 6 oz steak

16oz coffee straight diesel none of that half and half stuff folk

5 PM 20g protein shake-needed some fuel, but didn't want to make anything because heard folks may be getting into something and wanted to have a verdict prior to making something/deciding

Today was just one of those get after days that I needed in life. Shitty situation in regards to things not being handled well. Not going to say more nor concern myself with those matters because it will just cause a lot of worrying over an event that has already happened. Still love having CCF to be the home away from home in these times. I'm glad to see results in the body and improvements in the weight self confidence etc. All good. Thanks PB, I'll try to remember post my food for the rest of the day.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Been a long time since I've thrown some love down on the ol' blog. Guess I quit my bitching and start up again.

The biggest thing I've noticed over these past few weeks of being on the program with big PB is not only physical changes especially in the abdominal regions/shoulders. I can tell my work capacity is definitely on the rise which is awesome. a 60 minute run is easier, I'm stronger on all my assesment measurements. I got my first muscle up and I can string together hand stand push ups. Yup, big changes and it's only been a few weeks. Pretty stoked especially with all the dramatic changes I've had in life and the only thing that's balanced me out completely is working out. So yeah, bout it bout it. Thanks Paul for helping me make great changes in my own life and keeping me motivated on a daily basis.

Fatcart out, will get back on writing stuff in the near future. Much love.